Girl Wedgies In Public Girls And Guys Most Annoying Habbits!?

Girls and guys most annoying habbits!? - girl wedgies in public

The girls write Habbits dullest boys
Write the girls and boys annoying habits
10 each
Make sure you tell me whether boy or girl yer Namin

1> set the public
2> Pickin wedgie.
Cut 3> nails in public is not
4> no ladies callin friends
Forgot to mention 5>
6> wearin pants tighter than super Skinnys
7> go, just a car to be seen.
8> possession on a bad day
9> is not in the stores when buying girly
10 No> Want to talk on the phone


Jay Sharky said...

I am a man, but I agree with the number 1 This is so annoying, as it can get.

The girls annoying habits:

1. Given always be ready when you are worried if you see something somewhere, or done at a particular time.
2. Talk incessantly about their composition.
3. Angry with her boyfriend and then you say why.
4. Go to the toilet in groups, if a girl goes, everyone has to go. Thank you for the children at the table around! We want to talk? Why should we do that?
5. Check regularly makeup or look in the mirror often.
6. Driving under the application of makeup or on the phone. Yes, I avoid accidents, thank you!
7. Ask questions that are not answered correctly, ask for example: "These pants my @ $ $ look fat?
8. If you are satisfied with every aspect of themselves, if they are only great as they are. "I hate my hair. Or," I need to lose 30 pounds. "How seriously? You look great, do not worry! \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt;br> 9 To say that they hate something when they know that you love. "I love football!" Well, come with me the time is with a friend for three hours, so!
10. Drag a place that you feel uncomfortable. Probably it is a place or a situation that would never go on your own, but makes you go.

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