Pictures Of Anorexia Nervosa English Project / Anorexia / Eating Disorders?

English project / anorexia / Eating disorders? - pictures of anorexia nervosa

hey girls and boys ..

I have a project for English that is about anorexia / eating disorders do. But I can not really speak English and I need your help to correct my text.

Eating disorders / anorexia
What is it? Anorexia nervosa is an illness, eating disorders, when a person has a strong weight loss. The causes are mental stress during puberty, physical changes, family conflicts and social influences as the ideal of thinness. No other mental disorder in recent years, as it often appears in newspapers, such as anorexia. As reported, are the actors, models, or anorexia. The girls, not only our children have anorexia. The clinical picture of anorexia nervosa was described in 1873. But this problem is dealt with since 1970. But it is unclear whether the disease is present or if the reason is the greater attention.

Signs of anorexia
There are signs of anorexia and you can tell if someone anorexic. The main character is, of course, the stWeight Loss ong. Other evidence that anorexics are placed on a diet, but not necessary or not to hide her body, including examples for the use of long sweater. If this person could not eat much or little food habits is also possible that this person is anorexic.
Anorexics often come into contact with problems, ie remain away from everyone. There are other problems, for example, feel very alone, find it difficult to concentrate affects, emotions, meaning they can "feel when they are hungry or not to suspend the menstrual disorders and depression.


♥cUtєGåℓ RockZ♥ ₪NeW YR₪ said...

Eating disorders / anorexia
What is it?
Anorexia is an eating disorder characterized by a pathological extreme weight loss. The causes are mental stress during puberty, represents a turning point in the body to see family conflicts and social influences, the slimness as an ideal. No other mental disorder in recent years much attention as anorexia won. Are the worst affected, it is claimed, models or actors. Not only girls, but children are affected.
The clinical picture of anorexia nervosa was described in 1873. But this topic has been treated with more importance since 1970. But it is unclear whether the disease is greater in today's time, or when the reasons for this curiosity in the eating disorder and communication problems which means they stay away from all the advanced people. There are other problems, for example, are loners who have difficulty to concentrate, affects emotions, which means that they "feel when they are hungry or not stated in the cycle and menstrual pain fDepression ROM ....

Hope this helps:)

♥cUtєGåℓ RockZ♥ ₪NeW YR₪ said...

Eating disorders / anorexia
What is it?
Anorexia is an eating disorder characterized by a pathological extreme weight loss. The causes are mental stress during puberty, represents a turning point in the body to see family conflicts and social influences, the slimness as an ideal. No other mental disorder in recent years much attention as anorexia won. Are the worst affected, it is claimed, models or actors. Not only girls, but children are affected.
The clinical picture of anorexia nervosa was described in 1873. But this topic has been treated with more importance since 1970. But it is unclear whether the disease is greater in today's time, or when the reasons for this curiosity in the eating disorder and communication problems which means they stay away from all the advanced people. There are other problems, for example, are loners who have difficulty to concentrate, affects emotions, which means that they "feel when they are hungry or not stated in the cycle and menstrual pain fDepression ROM ....

Hope this helps:)

Steve said...

She did not mention or Vigorexia Muscle dysmorphia "as some call it ... you never know if you think that you are not muscular enough

Jett. said...

Using MS Word to correct your text in the Tools-spelling and grammar

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