Prism Digital Portable Tv Customer Service Any Digital Back For Mamiya 645 Pro TL?

Any digital back for Mamiya 645 Pro TL? - prism digital portable tv customer service

Is that what I say that the Mamiya 645 Pro TL / pair work with the latest camera back can be? 1300USD with 45mm f2.8 and 55mm-110mm F4.5 zoom lens, 2 packages of paper and add additional 1 Power Drive Grip II 401.1 AE Prism Finder FE401, do you think is a good price? But I can only say how very limited new


Anonymous said...


Now that the first phase was the acquisition of the road, I suspect, the spectrum is reationalised and thus reduced. Take a look at the website of the PO - Links - I have not seen the model - but you can e-mail. I expect an adapter could be made if it is not in stock.

The P45 with the body 645 and the lens C $ 30k, the P65 back for Hasselblad $ 50k, I guess you have resaons a very specific question. I have the same loop as the number of Hasselblad 500 - the camera is back .... Phew ... makes your eyes tear!

The device is similar to a flight - but as MF digital backs not, why not the film and exploration? You surely do not recite the windows like a machine gun, and had some interesting kit for not much money to get.


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